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be a quick blurb about hs.credit. Here will be a quick

blurb about hs.credit. Here will be a quick blurb

about hs.credit. Here will be a quick blurb about


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By offering a high school transcript for CREATORS, we define a new concept, #AcademicCapital

Change the way that students look at their future

STUDENTS at ANY school (public, private, parochial, home-school) have equal access to a project-based transcript

Equal opportunity for every student

EDUCATORS with a track record of inter-rater reliability become Credit Experts, paid to evaluate student work

Rely on accredited teachers and experts

University ADMISSION OFFICERS gain access to a high-resolution view of any student’s academic achievements since each credit is linked to an approved student work product

Easily access student records

Education Graduation Rate

* Average graduation rate across major cities in each state.

New York






“Personally, I became a mechanical engineer because of this style of learning. I grew up in a low-income community in Brooklyn, NY and #PassionForLearning brought me a life I couldn’t imagine back then. When I learned about this opportunity to spread a passion for learning to an increasing number of students, I couldn’t say no. Eighteen months later and I’m taking the helm as Executive Director.”

Jason Lewis

Executive Director


Institutions can view a single record for free when a student shares a transcript link or QR code directly. Institutions pay an annual subscription fee for API access to our national database of performance-based academic outcomes.

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