My name is Jason Lewis and I’m the Executive Director of hs.credit
Imagine a world where every school whether public, private, parochial, or home-school was assessed based on whether it fostered #PassionForLearning.
What would your high school experience have been like if, instead of preparing for standardized exams like the AP or SAT, you were required to upload one original work product per month to be evaluated by third-party experts? Imagine proudly uploading, having received multiple cycles of peer and teacher feedback. A training for creators such that even procrastinators refine their work and students who struggle with written text can showcase their academic thinking on podcasts or videos.
Personally, I became a mechanical engineer because of this style of learning. I grew up in a low-income community in Brooklyn, NY and #PassionForLearning brought me a life I couldn’t imagine back then. When I learned about this opportunity to spread a passion for learning to an increasing number of students, I couldn’t say no. Eighteen months later and I’m taking the helm as Executive Director.
I have a team of software engineers. I have a team of veteran educators. A robust Legal Team. A strong board of directors. Dedicated support Staff. Our product is deployed in stealth mode.
And yet, before I open our doors to student users, I must grow our community of Champions. I have therefore challenged the team (and I challenge you the reader) to help add 2,000 Champions by the end of this month. All you have to do is register here. That’s it!
Having used our app, seeing it’s simplicity and elegance, I am more confident than ever that this platform will BLOW UP. I need a community behind us because as we scale, we increasingly phase out a $19 billion standardized testing industry. At hs.credit we often discuss how instead of money what matters today is followers. I call you our champions.
If you are someone who cares about the future of learning, I guarantee that you want to be part of this. You will soon brag how you shared on social media as a Champion back before the hs.credit app was well known. Before a growing number of young Americans discover a #PassionForLearning at school.
All you need to do is sign up. If you want extra credit, share that you are a #PassionForLearning Champion on social media. And if you want super extra credit click the like button when the rest of us post with #PassionForLearning and follow up on LinkedIn and Facebook and Twitter and clap up this article and follow this Medium account.
Jason Lewis
Executive Director
Still not a Champion? Read about our product here, listen to podcasts about our platform design here, or even request a private demonstration of the app here.
At the very least, give us your valuable feedback here.